Monday, 5 December 2011

Some random pages from ye olde sketchbook!

Here's a sketch I did of this photo, I don't remember why but hey, it's Caggy and Markus Prime!

I did these caricatures to be in the style of Emil Cohle. It's Pat, Rachel and Ryan!

Next to the house where I grew up, lived a mechanic, who was always, always out the back working on either classic cars, or dirt bikes and his son was actually a damn good illustrator who served as an inspiration for a younger me. These bike drawings were just some of the resulting images.

I don't have much in the way of life drawings, but I have done a lot over the years, here's a couple of examples I was able to uncover, there may be more to come...

I also used to make a habit of copying images from photos, I guess it served as good practice, but didn't ever require as much effort as life drawing.

The might Mer-Man! From Masters of the Universe.

... And finally, a random werewolf picture.

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