Sunday 13 February 2011

Marvel Merriness, Part 1

I've always been a Marvel boy. Sure DC has some pretty big, ultra iconic characters, but I always felt like Marvel characters had all the fun. Not so much anymore, both are a bit too serious and it turns out that DC do a better job with it (even without all the characters I grew up loving).

So, to start I have The Punisher; One picture of him and I guess the start of a strip I must have felt inspired to do. I was never a big reader of Frank Castle's vigilante adventures, but every now and again a new artist or writer would find a way to pull me in.

Next is the Incredible Hulk, a character I love, but one that I didn't take a full interest in until later life. At this point I was toying with creating my own artistic style, though I was never satisfied with it. The best thing about drawing Hulk is his expressions, he has to be this explosion of rage, but also be the gentle giant. Finding ways to achieve that is near impossible, but I'm not entirely unhappy with my attempts.

Of course Captain America has to make an appearance somewhere. Though he is not a character I had much interest in, I always loved the way that other Marvel characters looked up to Cap.
Lastly for this post, like any imaginative child, I of course felt like I could create my own compelling story using many of the Marvel universe's more exciting characters. 'Unforgiven Sin' was a story featuring the X-Men, Spider-Man, Captain America, The Punisher and quite a few more! You can see below that I had started designing covers for issues, and had tried to plan out a story...
Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3, which will focus on my many Spider-Man and X-Men drawings from over the years!

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