Saturday 12 February 2011

Paint, Brawls, Sharks, Slayers and Robot Hedgehogs!

This character is based on a Real Ghostbusters toy, as a kid I loved the idea of Werewolves (back in a time when they weren't buddied up with sparkly homosexual vampires...). I think that his head was based off of one of the wolves from the snowy woods scene in Disney's Beauty & The Beast where the Beast protects Belle and collapses after the fight...

Rex, was probably my first serious attempt at ever drawing one.

Below are some pictures I drew using a mouse and Paint (yep, no Photoshop or Illustrator back then!)
Nothing special, but it helped pass the time before the internet became a big hit! 
The Jungle Book is © Disney
And a random picture of a street (not mine) that I found, I imagine I had just learnt about perspective...

As a kid, me and my younger Brother's weekly treat was an issue of Sonic The Comic, so naturally I tried my hand at drawing the blue blur and co. Most of my Sonic pics will appear in a later entry, but I found StC's Metal Sonic which I must have copied. I always thought he looked pretty darn cool!  With him, of course is Lord Vader from Star Wars. I'm not a huge Star Wars fan, but I did have my fair share of toys and memorabilia at one time. 

In 1995, Street Sharks started appearing on toy shelves everywhere, and like a lamb to the slaughter I found myself in possession of one, it's name was Ripster and it looked pretty awesome. My Brother had one wearing in-line skates called Blade, which was a tiger-shark (Ripster was a great white), and I tried my hand at drawing the toys...
Finally for today, some video game fan-art! Some old, not very good fan-art... But fan-art none the less!
Firstly, Tekken. Possibly the only fighting game I ever took a shine to, though I'm completely lost with it now, I did at one time love everything about it, so here's pics I drew with the release of the third and fourth titles in the series (which even now is going back a bit).
I've already posted some of Devil May Cry's Dante, and here's two more below!

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