Thursday 10 February 2011

Musings of a 7 year old... Part 2

Okay... So, after Scratch I think I pretty much had my heart set on growing up to be a comic book artist. At the time of course, I wasn't at all aware of the actual level of time and effort that went into producing sequential art on a regular basis... I was seven years old! Anyways, these were the strips that followed, and looking over them I can't help but laugh at the idea of Dolphins using hearing-aids as deadly weapons and gangsters named Jeffrey!
Strip 1 :  'Deep' - Two dolphins drink some mystery chemical in the sea and become man/dolphin hybrids... They use their new found powers to... Uh, kill... 
Strip 2 :  'Deep 2' - Yup, it even got it's own sequel! As a child I once adopted a Dolphin through the WDCS and this strip might be the result of reading about 
how they were becoming extinct due to mass pollution...

Strip 3 :  'Sivo' - I think a caricature of Sly Stallone went a bit wrong and became my first ever attempt at a mob comic, Sivo was the mysterious crime-lord of the tale...
Strip 4 :  'Untitled Greek Mythology Project' - As you can see from my brainstorm I tried very hard to modernize the tales of Medusa and friends into one big adventure story.
All I really remember is the move from pencil to ink.

I can't really call this next one a strip as it's only one page, but it was an idea I remember having about monsters who feasted on peoples hearts, the man was based on a teacher I had at the time (and obviously wasn't very fond of...).

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